"How can I slim when I write for a food magazine? And how can I exercise when I've completely borked my ankle?". But after a two stone weight gain over as many years, it's no time for excuses. Valid excuses maybe, but still excuses.
Well, come on in, take off your shoes and I'll get the kettle on so you can have a read of my story. Over ten years ago when I was twenty I weighed 21 stone, I honestly don't know how I got there - though I'd always been a 'big' child and I don't suppose many evenings with an old boyfriend getting stoned and combatting the munchies helped much. I honestly had no idea how I looked until I saw some pictures of me at a leaving party and I was horrified. I joined a gym, ate foods with as little fat content in as possible and my life became one big diet. I pretty swiftly dropped 9.5 stone. But I wasn't healthy. My emotions were everywhere which I'd imagine was a result from my exercise addiction and my diet of 'healthy choice' ready meals. I was up every morning at 6am for my daily ritual - 40 lengths in the pool. I'd then be back in the gym straight after work for kick-boxing, step, cardiovascular work or whatever else I could find to do. I'd then go home, eat my ready meal while watching some poor TV drama and then I'd hit the hay in preparation for tomorrows exercise schedule. So I was slimmer but not happy.
So, in a rebellious response, I gave it all up and partied. Hard. Weekends were a whirlwind of drum'n'bass, dancing, no sleep, even less food and lots of vodka. Needless to say all that weight stayed off, but still - not healthy nor overly happy.
So I moved to Brighton and started studying nutrition and, man, I felt goooooood. I was balancing my blood sugar, I had my hormones under control and was generally treating myself well. I had finally found a balance - I had great friends and a wonderful social life. Trouble is, pounds started creeping back on despite my regular gym attendance and the miles I'd walk around Brighton each day. I think I'd gained about a stone when It happened. The car accident that was to change my life forever.
The long and the short of it is this - my ankle got crushed. I can still walk, albeit painfully, but I certainly can't run or walk into town to meet friends listening to my iPod. It hit me and my body hard, I piled on 2 stone. I'm not sure how long it took me but I do know I was really unhappy. I wasn't eating badly and I was still exercising regularly but compared to what I was doing before, it was nothing. Add to that, I was working a part time job that wasn't really challenging me. I was officially in a rut.
January of this year I promised myself I'd start a fresh: I'd make a success of myself and lose some weight. By March I had lost a stone and a half by eating little and exercising as much as my ankle would allow. I also started establishing myself as a photographer. Then came Edible - a magazine that I produced with two friends. As I threw myself into work the diet went to the wayside and I was shocked when I stepped on the scales in September and found I had crept back up a stone. I'd been feeling self conscious about my weight so it shouldn't have come as such a shock. I was now a size 18 and hated everything I wore.
It's amazing how being overweight can keep you down - though I was out a lot I'd be drinking to overcome my self-consciousness and I was constantly worried about what people thought of me.
So when a few friends of mine lost loads of weight on Slimming World my ears pricked up. I had a quick Google and read about it a little but a lot of people were saying they still ate chocolate on it. Well, I never ate chocolate! Maybe the diet was just for people who ate really unhealthy. So it got dismissed for a month until I was visiting a friend and was flicking through her Slimming World magazine. The recipes were attractive and I read some of the success stories. "Ah, bugger it, what have I got to lose?"
Well, almost a stone in a month by the looks of it. I can't tell you how thrilled I am. Already my confidence is rebuilding and for the first time ever I feel optimistic about getting weight off. Someone asked me how the diet was going last week and I told them I was really enjoying it - fancy that!
Obviously, being the Editorial Director of a food magazine was always going to pose problems but with Slimming World I am finding ways around it. Social occasions are easy, I just save my syns for the evening and drink a few gin and tonics. I've even had two Saturday nights where I've been out until the next morning and still managed to lose weight those weeks.
I did find extra easy did nothing for me - I seemed to be eating everything I was before except without the olive oil and the like. It was when I switched to alternating green and red days (with an emphasis on green) when the weight really started dropping off.
But I know it's not always going to be this easy so I've created this blog because I hope to inspire others with recipes and photos, but I also hope to build a bit of a community, let's do this together.